Corresponding author: Marek Dabrowski ( ) © 2019 Non-profit partnership “Voprosy Ekonomiki”.
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Dabrowski M (2018) Examining interrelation between global and national income inequalities. Russian Journal of Economics 4(3): 266-284.
The last decade brought increasing attention to income and wealth inequalities in advanced economies because of their increase in several countries and negative social and political implications. However, this debate is often limited to the single-country perspective, disregarding decreasing global income inequalities, i.e. inequalities between individuals in the entire world. This paper focuses mainly on the global dimension of the inequality trends but also tries to update statistics on national inequality trends which, contrary to the dominant narrative, seem to go in various directions depending on a concrete country. Finally, an attempt is made to analyze the potential interrelation and trade-off between decreasing global inequalities and increasing national inequalities and the role of globalization, in its various forms, in such a trade-off.
income inequality, wealth inequality, income convergence, globalization.
The phenomenon of income and wealth inequalities and their various consequences has always been at the center of economic and social policy debate. Economists, starting from
Social policy researchers and practitioners usually include inequality into poverty analysis, assuming that, under a given income-per-capita level, more inequality means more poverty (see
Politically, income and wealth inequalities have always been an important topic and hot issue in national debates in many countries of the world, both advanced (AEs) and emerging-market economies (EMEs). In the political economy and political science analyses, they have been seen as the factor which damages democracy (
The recent few years brought increasing attention to an inequality topic. On the professional ground, this debate was triggered by the broadly publicized but controversial book of
The recent wave of populism (of various political colors) in Europe and the US, which led, amongst others, to the victory of the “Leave” vote in the Brexit referendum of 2016, Donald Trump’s victory in the 2016 US presidential elections and increasing popularity of populist parties and movements in many other countries, has also been attributed, amongst other factors, to increasing income and wealth inequalities (see
This essay aims to address two specific questions that, in our opinion, have been largely missed in the inequality debate. The first one concerns decreasing global income inequalities, i.e. inequalities between individuals in the entire world (disregarding national borders), even if they still remain on a relatively high level. The second question touches upon the potential interrelation and perhaps trade-off between decreasing global inequalities and increasing national inequalities and the role of globalization in its various forms in such a trade-off. Our analysis is based on a literature review and results of statistical estimations provided by other authors.
The paper is structured as follows. In Section 2, we provide a brief overview of the recent debate and point to its one-sided character. In Section 3, we discuss changes in global income inequality trends and present their various estimates. Section 4 provides recent estimates of within-country (national) income inequalities, with special focus given to AEs. In Section 5, we discuss a potential trade-off between decreasing global inequalities and increasing national inequalities and the role of economic globalization in its various forms in such a trade-off. In Section 6, we summarize our analysis and present major conclusions.
When we analyze the above-mentioned potential trade-off, we concentrate on AEs despite the fact that inequalities in several EMEs are also on the rise. There are four reasons for such a choice. First, the current inequality debate, including its political dimension, is very much concentrated on AEs (see Section 2). Second, changes in inequality levels in EMEs go in various directions (
The subject of our analysis (global vs. national inequalities) also determines the data choice. Even if the Gini coefficient of income inequality is not a perfect measure (because it remains sensitive to tail distribution — see
As mentioned in Section 1, the recent round of inequality debates has been triggered by
Although both Piketty’s “patrimonial capitalism” diagnosis and, even more, his recipes (a progressive global tax on capital) met criticism (see e.g.
These findings, in fact, challenge the so-called
Of course, the increasing in-country inequalities have fueled political and ideological debate, very often with high emotional content. This effect has been additionally strengthened by the finding that the share of the top 1% income earners in the total population income increased in several countries (both AEs and EMEs) between 1980 and 2008. In the US and South Africa, it doubled over 30 years, approaching the level of 20% of total population income (
The similar political and emotional effect has been generated by analyses of wealth inequality, which looks even greater than income inequalities
The greatest weakness of the current and past inequality debates, however, is related to their narrow character: they have concentrated on inequalities within individual countries.
It does not mean that cross-country comparison of national Gini coefficients does not make sense. On the contrary, it may illustrate differences in income distribution in individual countries and help determine factors existing behind those differences. Nevertheless, a very careful interpretation of such cross-country comparisons is always highly recommended. Otherwise, one risks generalizations, which lead to wrong conclusions, like those that the entire world economy suffers from more inequality, because national inequalities in most countries are increasing.
One can imagine the hypothetical situation of 200 national economies, each perfectly equal internally (that is, with national Gini coefficients equal to zero) but differing between themselves in terms of income per capita. As result, global income inequality remains high and even increases if high-income countries grow faster than low-income countries. On the contrary, in the situation where low-income countries grow faster than high-income countries, global income inequality may decrease even if national inequalities are growing. This happened exactly in the world economy since the 1980s as documented by
The major obstacle to measuring global inequality trends comes from the absence of respective statistics. The household budget surveys (HBS), a key instrument for collecting statistical data on income and wealth inequality, are conducted only nationally. There is no global HBS. As a result, global or regional inequality can be analyzed only indirectly via cross-country differences in income-per capita, using various statistical methods and based on various assumptions on intra-country income distribution
Limited cross-country comparability of national inequality statistics, their various quality, irregularity of some national HBS, short data series in several countries and incomplete global coverage pose another methodological challenge (
Furthermore, cross-country comparability of GDP per capita level in purchasing power parity (PPP) terms is not as obvious as one would imagine. For example, the new PPP international survey of 2011 led to an increase in global GDP in PPP terms by 10 trillion in current international USD, mainly in EMEs, as compared to the previous 2005 PPP conversion rates (
Within the EU, while there is a harmonized EU-SILK survey, the way in which the Eurostat aggregates national Gini coefficients (weighting them only by the size of population in individual countries but not by income-per-capita levels) raises serious methodological doubts (
Despite statistical obstacles and methodological uncertainties in estimating global income inequality trends, such attempts have been undertaken since the end of the 20th century. One can mention, amongst others, works of
Despite methodological differences, all the above-mentioned studies give a similar picture. After a century and a half, following the increase in global inequality by approximately 15 points (as a result of industrial revolution in most of today’s AEs), legacy of colonialism, etc. the global Gini coefficient stabilized in 1980s and then started to decline (Fig.
Global income inequality, 1820–2010.
Interestingly, in the aftermath of the global financial crisis of 2007–2009, the declining global inequality trend accelerated as result of slower growth of AEs, continuous fast growth of EMEs and partial reversal of the previous growth of national inequalities or their stabilization (Figs.
Global Inequality, 1988–2013.
Changes in the global Gini coefficient of income inequality and their decomposition, 1988–2015.
Note: The estimation is based on the log-normal distribution and uses disposable income (after taxes and transfers). Source:
As seen in Figs.
Changes in the global Gini coefficient of income inequality: impact of China and India, 1988–2015.
Note: The estimation is based on the log-normal distribution and uses disposable income (after taxes and transfers). Source:
The above findings remain broadly in line with the continuous global decline of absolute poverty, including extreme poverty (
Nevertheless, despite its reduction, global income inequality remains at a relatively high level. In 2013, the global Gini coefficient amounted to 62.5 according to the
Using the same method as that applied to computing global Gini coefficients,
Changes in EU28 Gini coefficient of income inequality and their decomposition, 1989–2013/2015.
Note: The estimation is based on the log-normal distribution and uses disposable income (after taxes and transfers). A small interaction factor is omitted. Source:
Gini coefficient of net income inequality: Anglo-Saxon countries, 1960–2013.
Note: Solid lines indicate mean estimates; shaded regions indicate the associated 95% uncertainty intervals. Source: Standardized World Income Inequality Database (SWIID), Version 6.2 (
Gini coefficient of net income inequality: continental Europe, 1960–2013.
Note: Solid lines indicate mean estimates; shaded regions indicate the associated 95% uncertainty intervals. Source: Standardized World Income Inequality Database (SWIID), Version 6.2 (
Gini coefficient of net income inequality: BRIC, 1960–2013.
Note: Solid lines indicate mean estimates; shaded regions indicate the associated 95% uncertainty intervals. Source: Standardized World Income Inequality Database (SWIID), Version 6.2 (
Gini coefficient of net income inequality: MINT, 1960–2013.
Note: Solid lines indicate mean estimates; shaded regions indicate the associated 95% uncertainty intervals. Source: Standardized World Income Inequality Database (SWIID), Version 6.2 (
The picture obtained is not so clear and straightforward as one might expect based on
In continental Europe (Fig.
The situation in large EMEs (Figs.
The two formerly centrally planned economies (China and Russia) showed an increase in income inequality in the period of its market transition (similar to other countries of the former Soviet Union and Central and Eastern Europe). The Gini coefficient in Russia increased from 35 in late 1980s to 43 in 1996 and then stabilized. China recorded an increase from below 30 in the late 1970s to over 42 in 2008 followed by gradual decrease to 40 in 2015.
The nature of this increase has been often misunderstood (see e.g.
Despite heterogeneous trends in individual countries, one cannot question the phenomenon of increasing national inequalities in the large part of the world. First, it concerns several of the largest economies: the US, China, Japan (omitted in Figs.
Third, the summary analysis of changes in national income inequalities, undertaken by the
Regarding EMEs, the proportion of countries where Gini increased to those where it decreased is different from AEs (
For the purpose of this analysis, we define economic globalization as “the integration of economic activity across borders, through markets” (
Rapid per-capita growth in most EMEs since early 1990s (faster than in AEs) can be attributed, to large extent, to the globalization process (
Global trade liberalization allowed moving production of many goods and services from AEs to EMEs with welfare gains for both. Global financial integration improved global capital allocation and helped EMEs to bring large-scale foreign direct investment (FDI) with associated new technologies, managerial and organizational expertise and employees’ skill upgrade and helped to develop and modernize their financial sectors, etc. Increasing outward migration generated substantial remittance flows to many EMEs, helped building cross-border business contacts, upgrading skills and learning AEs’ culture and experience. Thus, one can conclude that globalization has had a positive impact on decreasing global income inequalities by contributing to income-per capita convergence between lower- and higher-income countries (see
On the other hand, in several AEs, globalization is increasingly seen as the factor responsible for job losses (not only for blue-collar but also white-collar jobs), putting downward pressure on wages and salaries of low- and medium-skilled employees and, therefore, benefiting mainly better-off elites (
Discussion of all potential advantages and disadvantages of globalization goes beyond remit of this policy essay. Instead, in our analysis, globalization serves as a phenomenon potentially responsible for both decreasing global inequalities (via GDP-per-capita convergence between countries) and increasing national inequalities in AEs, that is, a phenomenon linking both trends into a causal relationship and policy trade-off.
To answer the question whether there is a trade-off between decreasing global inequality (due to globalization and its positive impact on catching-up growth in EMEs) and increasing within-country inequalities in AEs, we will consider various channels through which globalization may contribute to the latter, partly in response to
The above list of globalization related effects, potentially responsible for more unequal income distribution in AEs, has the status of a set of hypotheses, which are not easy to be verified empirically.
Decomposition of change in income inequality, 1981–2003 (average annual percentage change).
Decomposition of globalization effect on inequality, 1981–2003 (average annual percentage change).
A more recent study of
Attempts to go beyond findings of both studies (
One should admit, however, that neat decomposition of the impact of each individual factor such as globalization, technological progress, changes in education, population aging, macroeconomic policies, labor market policies, market access for various professions and activities, domestic income distribution policies, social welfare etc. on income inequalities is not fully possible due to their partial overlaps (co-integration) and lack of the detailed statistical evidence (
This leads us to conclude that further empirical research is required to confirm or reject the hypothesis of a positive impact of globalization on income inequalities in AEs (using a more recent dataset) and investigate in detail the channels of such an impact. Particular attention should be given to the potentially corrective role of national policies and to what extent free movement of goods, services, capital and labor puts constraints on them.
The paper’s main purpose was to draw attention to conceptual and methodological shortcomings of the mainstream income inequality debate, which concentrates on increasing national inequalities in some AEs, especially in the US, while disregarding the decrease in global income inequality (between citizens of the world) since the late 1980s. We have also tried to discuss whether there is trade-off between decreasing global inequality and increasing national inequalities in many AEs and what is the role of globalization in its various forms in this tradeoff.
While definitive empirical verification of the trade-off hypothesis is not possible at this stage of research, we cannot exclude its existence based on, amongst others, results of the
In the light of our discussion, globalization process, which helps reducing income-per-capita gap between low- and high-income countries, may also contribute to increasing national income inequalities in part of AEs. Such a potential trade-off offers a new perspective in the inequality debate. While one cannot downplay the negative economic, social and political side-effects of excessive national inequalities, at the same time, it is not possible to ignore positive effects of reducing global inequality (see
In our analysis, we have also found that not all AEs suffer from a continuous increase in in-country income inequality. Furthermore, several countries have managed to stop this trend or even reverse it in recent years. This means that country-specific factors and national policies continue to play an important role, despite the powerful impact of globalization.
Author would like to thank Clemens Kool, Zsolt Darvas, Ben Slay, Rostislav Kapeliushnikov, Leonid Grigoriev and participants of the above-mentioned conferences for their critical comments to the various versions of this paper.