Corresponding author: Michael Alexeev ( ) © 2017 Non-profit partnership “Voprosy Ekonomiki”.
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Alexeev M, Mamedov A (2017) Factors determining intra-regional fiscal decentralization in Russia and the US. Russian Journal of Economics 3(4): 425-444.
We use panel data for Russia's regions (2005–2013) and the US states (1997–2013) and several different econometric specifications to estimate and compare the determinants of fiscal decentralization in the two countries. We find that while the factors of decentralization in the US states largely conform to existing theoretical predictions, this is not so for Russia, where almost no factors are consistently associated with intraregional fiscal decentralization. Moreover, our results for Russia differ from prior results based on earlier data. We conjecture that the recent weakening of the effects of conventional fiscal decentralization determinants in Russia is due to the decline of democratic institutions in Russia's regions and overall political and economic centralization in the country.
fiscal federalism, expenditure decentralization, Russian economy, US economy
The effects of fiscal decentralization have been the subject of fast growing literature in economics and political science.
Perhaps more important for our purposes, the overwhelming majority of the empirical work on the determinants of fiscal decentralization both recently and in the 1980s–1990s used country-level data. Two notable exceptions are Wallis and Oates (1988; herafter W&O) and Freinkman and Plekhanov (2009; hereafter F&P) who studied the determinants of fiscal decentralization in the US states and Russian regions, respectively. Although there are certain advantages of working at the country level due to generally better data availability, there are also significant disadvantages. First, countries generally differ in difficult to measure ways, which cannot always be accounted for using country fixed effects because some of these differences vary over time. Second, budgetary accounting systems and general government responsibilities may vary from one country to another in ways that undermine the validity of comparing decentralization measures across countries. Third, countries’ reporting of budgetary data to international organizations, whose data are typically used in country-level research, is sometimes inconsistent. For example, there are non-trivial discrepancies between the World Bank and OECD data on the subnational government share of expenditures.
All of these problems can be alleviated or even eliminated by studying the determinants of fiscal decentralization at the intraregional level, that is, looking at the fiscal arrangements between provincial (regional in Russia and state in the US) and municipal government levels. This is the focus of our paper. More specifically, we aim to extend and improve upon W&O and F&P's work on the factors of regional fiscal decentralization by employing more sophisticated and, in our view, more appropriate econometric approaches as well as more recent and comprehensive data.
In terms of econometric techniques, W&O used a random effects specification in their main regressions. However, the Hausman test rejects random effects for our data. F&P present only between-effects results, arguing that a fixed effects specification would not work because, “most indicators do not have meaningful time-series variation within short periods of time” (
Unlike W&O and F&P, we use both between-effects and three different specifications that account for regional fixed effects. In addition to the conventional OLS fixed effects (OLS FE), we also use system-GMM dynamic panel estimation approach and spatial lags dynamic panel regressions with fixed effects. The sys-tem-GMM technique can, in principle, account for potential endogeneities and for serial correlation in the error terms. However, a system-GMM is not highly reliable when cross-sectional dimension is relatively small, as is the case in our data, especially for the US states. The spatial lags specification is particularly appropriate for working with regional data because capital and labor as well as information about institutional arrangements and performance travel much easier between regions within the same country than between countries.
Using more recent data is most important for the Russian case, where rather radical changes in intergovernmental budgetary and other relations took place after 1996–2001, which was the focus of F&P's study. For example, popular elections of regional governments were abolished in late 2004. Our data covers the period in which the President appointed regional governors (governor elections resumed under new rules in late 2012). In addition, since 2000, both revenues and expenditures have been increasingly concentrated at the federal level. The entire system of intergovernmental budgetary transfers has also changed significantly since the early 2000s. Intraregional budgeting and management in particular were reformed starting in 2005, with 2006–2008 serving as a transition period.
For the US, the main data-related advantage our work has over W&O relates to better data availability. For example, we have and use data on income inequality within the states, state dependence on federal transfers, and the share of social welfare transfers in state expenditures, all of which turn out to be significant determinants of intrastate fiscal decentralization.
The rest of the paper proceeds as follows. The next section outlines the expected effects of the main determinants of fiscal decentralization. Section
Theoretical work on the factors of fiscal decentralization suggests that countries or regions would be more decentralized if their populations are more diverse along various dimensions, if the relevant public goods can be provided reasonably efficiently at a lower level of government, and if lower government levels have access to adequate revenue sources. It is important to state, however, that these theoretical considerations depend on the country's political system to some extent, and particularly on the degree of government accountability to citizens at all levels. Below, we briefly discuss how the factors included in our regressions are expected to affect fiscal decentralization. We present only the main theoretical considerations, omitting some of the less important arguments. This discussion is based mainly on W&O,
Regional size reflected either in land area or in population is expected to result in greater fiscal decentralization. This is because larger regions would typically be more diverse in terms of the population's preferences and because lower-level entities in more populous regions could still have an adequate size to produce local public goods relatively efficiently. In addition, larger regions, particularly those that have large land areas, are difficult to administer from a single center, although this depends in part on the degree of development of relevant transportation and communications networks.
Ethnic or racial diversity usually implies a diversity of tastes that is easier to accommodate in a fiscally decentralized entity. However, if the main ethnic group does not constitute a large majority of the population, it may be less willing to allow decentralization in order to exert greater political and fiscal control over smaller groups. Therefore, the relationship between ethnic/racial diversity and fiscal decentralization is ambiguous.
A higher share of urban population makes it possible to provide public goods relatively cheaply in a decentralized manner. However, the effect of urban share depends on whether it becomes large due to one big city in a region or due to several relatively large urban areas. In the former case, urban population share is expected to be negatively related to decentralization, while in the latter case, we expect the opposite relationship. Therefore, it is difficult to predict the relationship between urbanization and fiscal decentralization without knowing the distribution of the urban population among cities of different sizes.
In theory, income inequality has an ambiguous effect on fiscal decentralization. On the one hand, greater income inequality implies more diversity of tastes and thus promotes decentralization. On the other hand, greater inequality implies the need for redistribution, which is more efficient from the center, thus favoring centralization.
Social welfare transfers are most likely to promote fiscal centralization because it is generally administratively easier to make transfers from a single center. More important, providing transfers of different sizes in different municipalities creates incentives for transfer recipients to relocate to localities with more generous provisions of transfers.
The level of economic development measured by per-capita output has an ambiguous effect on fiscal decentralization. Higher average income is typically associated with a greater diversity of preferences, favoring decentralization. Put differently, fiscal decentralization is a normal or even a luxury good (
Dependence on natural resources, particularly those that generate large economic rent, is likely to promote fiscal centralization for at least two reasons. First, rents from natural resources are typically collected at the regional center rather than in municipalities, generating what is known as the “flypaper effect,” according to which windfall revenues and rents are spent mainly by the government level that receives them.
The impact of a region's dependence on transfers from a federal government is similar to that of natural resource rents. Here, we also have both the flypaper effect (transfers from the federal center flow mostly to the regional government rather than directly to municipalities) and a lower dependence of regional government on municipal incentives. In effect, both natural resource revenues and transfers from the federal government can be viewed as rents accruing mainly to the regional government.
We first describe the basic nature of our dependent and independent variables and then address the specifics of calculating these variables for each country. Our dependent variables reflect expenditure decentralization within the regions. Some authors (e.g., W&O and
We employ a number of control variables measuring factors that various authors mentioned as potentially important for fiscal decentralization. These relate to the size of the region (logarithms of area and population), its demographic composition (ethnic/racial diversity measured by the share of the majority group and a homogeneity index, and the share of urban population), and socioeconomic measures (logarithms of per-capita regional product and per-capita mining out put, the share of welfare transfers in household incomes, Gini index for income inequality, and regional budget dependence on federal ttransfers). In addition, for the US, we use a dummy variable for the individualistic political nature of a state (
The structure of the Russian Federation has been changing over the years. At the end of our sample period (2005–2013) the Federation consisted of 83 “Subjects of the Federation” or regions subdivided into municipalities. Most of the regions are referred to as provinces (oblast), but there are also “republics,” other types of provinces (krais), autonomous districts (okrugs), and two federal cities, Moscow and St. Petersburg. Both politically and fiscally, Russia is one of the more centralized federal countries worldwide. The federal tax service collects all taxes, and then the revenues are channeled into the budgets of the appropriate level of government. Although by law there are federal, regional, and municipal taxes, federal legislation imposes limits on the ability of lower levels of govern ment to alter the base and the rates of “their” taxes. Moreover, almost all revenue from the two important federal taxes (corporate income tax and personal income tax) accrues to regional and municipal budgets by federal law.
Because we focus on the degree of decentralization within regions, we exclude the “federal cities” of Moscow and St. Petersburg, as these cities do not have conventional municipalities and are exempt from some of the rules governing fiscal relationships between regions and their constituent municipalities. We also exclude Moscow oblast because a large part of it was ceded to the city of Moscow in 2012, making the data for 2005–2011 not comparable to the 2012–2013 numbers. We exclude two other regions —Ingushetia and Chechnya—due to their highly unreliable and extremely volatile budgetary and economic data. Finally, we aggregate most autonomous districts (okrugs) with the larger regions, which they joined during 2005–2007, and we exclude the Chukotka okrug. These okrugs are sparsely populated, very small entities relative to other regions. The only exceptions are the okrugs contained within Tyumen’ and Arkhangelsk provinces.
In calculating the expenditure decentralization measure, we remove the so-called subventions. These are transfers from the upper level of government that have fairly strictly prescribed uses.
Specifically, we use the following formula to calculate a region's expenditure decentralization:(1)where RegExp represents all expenditures of the regional government, Trans stands for transfers from the regional budget to the municipalities, MSubven represents the part of Trans that are “subventions” (i.e., the component of transfers to municipalities over which they have no control), ConsExp denotes overall expenditure of the consolidated (i.e., regional and municipal) budget, and RSubven are all subventions that appear on the revenue side of a consolidated regional budget.
We use the share of ethnic Russians and the homogeneity index for ethnic Russians as our ethnic diversity variables.
We use data for 1997–2013, except for 2001 and 2003, for which state and local revenue and expenditure data are missing from the US Census website, leaving us with 15 data points for each of the 48 contiguous states in our benchmark regressions. Our dependent variable is the share of local (i.e., municipal) expenditures in the corresponding consolidated state amounts, expressed in percentage terms. We exclude expenditures of government-owned liquor stores, utilities, and social insurance trust funds.
Description of variables and sources for Russia.
Description of variables and sources for the US.
Descriptive statistics for Russia (2005–2013).
Descriptive statistics for United States (1997–2013, excluding 2001 and 2003).
We estimate the following regression using the expenditure decentralization measure as a dependent variable:(2)where Decit is an indicator of fiscal decentralization within region i in year t.
The regressors represented by xit in (2) are variables described in the Data section and in Tables
We also add a lagged dependent variable to (2) and estimate it using a system-GMM specification. This approach accounts for serial correlation in the data and for potential endogeneities.
Finally, we also estimate fixed effects regressions with spatial lags. More specifically, we estimate a dynamic Spatial Durbin Model (SDM):
Below, we sometimes refer to OLS FE, system-GMM, and spatial lags regressions with fixed effects as either “FE-type regressions” or “regressions that account for state fixed effects.”
Factors determining expenditure decentralization in Russia's regions (2005–2013).
The pro-centralization effect of mining is in line with the discussion in Section
Regressions that include regional fixed effects have the advantage of controlling for unobserved time-invariant factors, but may conceal the influence of constant or slowly changing variables. It is useful, therefore, to examine between-effects (BE) regressions, but considering that they are more likely than fixed-effects regressions to suffer endogeneity problems, particularly due to omitted variables. In our BE regressions, the share of urban population and the share of ethnic Russians are positively associated with expenditure decentralization. As noted earlier, theoretically, the effect of urbanization is ambiguous and thus the positive coefficient obtained in our BE regressions does not contradict expectations.
In terms of economic significance, a one standard deviation increase in the urban share of the regional population is associated with close to 1.5 percentage points (or about a one fifth standard deviation) increase in fiscal decentralization measure. The economic effect of the share of ethnic Russians implied by the estimate in
The decentralization-promoting impact of the share of ethnic Russians is hard to explain. This share is strongly negatively correlated with a region's ethnic diversity index (correlation coefficient of –0.89) and positively correlated with the ethnic Russians homogeneity index (correlation coefficient of 0.69). Therefore, this finding contradicts the conventional theory that greater ethnic diversity should lead to more fiscal decentralization (e.g.,
Finally, we note that incorporating spatial lags does not significantly change the coefficients of the various factors relative to the simple OLS FE specification.
Factors determining expenditure decentralization in the US 48 contiguous states (1997–2013).
Factors determining expenditure decentralization in the US 50 states (1997–2013).
Unlike in the case of Russia, the coefficients on the size of the state (land area and population) are positive, with land area being statistically significant in both the BE and system-GMM equations, while population size is significant in the system-GMM and spatial lag regressions for the 48 contiguous states and for the BE regressions for the 50 states. These results imply that larger states tend to be more decentralized, which is fully consistent with conventional theory. The numerical value of the effect of land area depends on whether we use the system-GMM or BE point estimate. Using the former, a one standard deviation increase in land area results only in about a one-eighths standard deviation increase in the decentralization measure. The corresponding increase in decentralization according to the BE specification is one third of its standard deviation. The numerical effect of population is quite small.
No other variable except for land area is statistically significant in the BE regressions in
In the FE-type regressions, the share of social transfers in state revenues is negative and highly statistically significant in all specifications. The effect of social transfers is substantial numerically. A one standard deviation increase in this variable results in about a quarter standard deviation decrease in the decentralization measure. Per-capita mining output, dependence on federal transfers, and income inequality measured by the Gini coefficient are negative and statistically significant at least at the 5% level in the OLS FE and spatial lag regressions, but not statistically significant in the system-GMM specification for the 48 contiguous states. We view the OLS FE and spatial lag regressions as more reliable due to the relatively small cross-sectional dimension of the US data (particularly for the 48 states), which reduces the performance of system-GMM approach. The signs of these coefficients are fully consistent with theoretical predictions discussed in Section
Per-capita GSP is positive and significant in the spatial lag regression but not in the other regressions. Since the spatial lag specification is more appropriate than OLS FE for regions within a single country, this result confirms the view of fiscal decentralization as a normal good. The system-GMM regression for the 50 states suggests that the individualistic political nature of the state tends to be associated with greater fiscal decentralization. Although this result is consistent with our priors, we should view it with caution since it is not confirmed by the regression for the 48 states, and the corresponding coefficients in the BE regressions for the 48 and 50 states have p-values of only 0.138 and 0.12, respectively. Finally, the homogeneity index for non-Hispanic Whites is also positive and significant at the 1% level in the spatial lag regression. As in the case of the share of ethnic Russians, the decentralization-promoting role of the homogeneity index of non-Hispanic Whites is somewhat surprising. Similar to the Russian case, we conjecture that state governments in less racially homogeneous states prefer to exert greater fiscal control over their constituent municipalities.
The main implications of the estimates presented in the two subsections above are that the factors determining fiscal decentralization in the US are largely, albeit not fully, consistent with the conventional theory and with W&O's estimates, while the standard determinants of fiscal decentralization, with one notable exception, do not appear to be at work in Russia's regions. Perhaps the most surprising result is that a region's size measured by either land area or population does not seem to have a meaningful impact on intraregional fiscal decentralization in Russia, although population size is statistically significant in one specification. This outcome is at odds with the straightforward theoretical considerations, as well as with F&P's results that contained a statistically significant positive relationship between a region's size and decentralization. F&P also found a negative and highly statistically significant effect of regional transfer dependence on fiscal decentralization, while the respective coefficient in our BE regression for Russia is statistically insignificant. Moreover, although in most of F&P's BE specifications both per-capita GRP and the degree of urbanization had negative statistically significant coefficients, the respective BE coefficients in our “Russian” regressions are positive, and one is statistically significant. In fact, the only finding from the BE regressions based on our data that is comparable to F&P's results is the fiscal decentralization-promoting effect of the share of ethnic Russians in a region.
The almost complete absence of the conventional determinants of fiscal decentralization in Russia contrasts with the situation in the US, where the determinants of fiscal decentralization are largely consistent with conventional theory, particularly in the regressions that account for state fixed effects. We conjecture that the differences between Russia and the US in this regard can be explained by the relatively small size of most Russian regions (particularly in terms of population, but also in terms of inhabited land areas),
Regional size. Although the mean area of Russia's regions in our sample is greater than the mean area for the 48 contiguous US states, most of that difference is due to just two large sparsely populated regions (Yakutia and Krasnoyarskii krai). Without those two regions, the mean area of the remaining Russian regions is considerably smaller than that of US states. In addition, the median area of Russia's regions is less than half of the median for the US states. If intraregional fiscal decentralization begins to make economic and political sense starting only from a certain size threshold, smaller regions might not reach that threshold, and thus their degree of decentralization would not have a meaningful relationship to their size. This consideration is unlikely to play a major role, however, because regional size did matter in F&P's regressions, although its statistical significance was only marginal.
Population mobility and weak democratic institutions. Low population mobility across regional boundaries and underdeveloped democratic institutions reduce regional authorities’ accountability to their constituencies because neither conventional voting nor voting by feet à la
Federal political and fiscal centralization. Another obvious political change since the early 2000s is a significant increase in political and fiscal centralization at the federal level, that is, the large increase in the power of the federal government relative to that of regional authorities during the 2000s. As we described in the Introduction, this centralization has been evidenced, for example, in a substantial decrease in the share of regional revenues and expenditures in the consolidated budget totals. Both political and fiscal centralization make the regional governments beholden to the federal center, and thus the degree of intra-regional decentralization becomes largely irrelevant to their actions and incentives. In addition, a centralized political system creates uniform fiscal rules for all regions, leaving regional governments only a limited degree of discretion.
As noted earlier, the US determinants of intrastate decentralization are generally consistent with conventional theory. However, our regressions produced several notable differences with the earlier work by W&O. Specifically, although the size of the state has a pro-decentralization effect, both in our regressions and in W&O, we obtain highly statistically and economically significant estimates for land area, while W&O do not (except in univariate regressions). Additionally, our coefficients on the degree of urbanization are statistically insignificant, while according to W&O, urbanization has a strong decentralizing effect. Perhaps the starkest difference, however, is the highly statistically significant positive association between per-capita GSP and fiscal decentralization in our spatial lag regressions and the strong opposite effect of per-capita income obtained by W&O. Our estimates of the effect of the homogeneity index for non-Hispanic Whites is similar to W&O's, although they also find that a higher percentage of non-Hispanic Whites is associated with greater decentralization, while in our regressions, the respective coefficient is insignificant. Interestingly, W&O conjecture (but do not estimate) that income inequality within a state would promote fiscal decentralization, while we find the opposite effect. We also estimate some other important effects that W&O do not. Namely, we find that the share of mining in GSP, the share of social welfare transfers in state revenue, and the state dependence on federal transfers all reduce fiscal decentralization, while the individualistic political nature of the state appears to have a weak de centralizing effect. Finally, unlike W&O, we do not find a significant difference between Southern and other states in terms of fiscal decentralization.
We estimate and compare the determinants of fiscal decentralization in Russia's regions and US states using panel data and several econometric specifications. The pattern of fiscal decentralization in the US largely conforms to existing theories, although our results are different in some important respects from the earlier estimates by
See Martinez-Vazquez et al. (2016) for a recent survey of the economic and political effects of fiscal decentralization. Another useful recent reference is Ahmad and Brosio (2015).
Jametti and Joanis (2016) also addressed the determinants of fiscal decentralization, but they focused almost exclusively on electoral competition and other political variables without including several other potentially important factors common in this literature, such as a measure of ethnic diversity within the population or dependence on natural resource rents.
According to the World Bank's data, the shares of subnational government expenditures in general government expenditures in Belgium, Finland, France, and Greece in 2011 were, respectively, 33.06%, 35.02%, 18.67%, and 5.53%. Meanwhile, the respective numbers from the OECD database are 37.75%, 40.73%, 20.02%, and 5.58%. Moreover, the differences do not remain stable over time. Thus, the World Bank reports a 5.10% share for Greece for 2010 while the OECD number is 7.16%. These numbers are taken from World Bank (2014) and OECD (2017).
In a well-functioning market economy, city size would typically follow Zipf's law (Gabaix, 1999). However, this regularity might not apply to Russia's regions due to the legacy of central planning.
Although there were some attempts to argue that this effect results from some data or econometric problems, Inman (2008) shows that it is “an outcome of political institutions and the associated incentives of elected officials.” We also note that in Russia, during our sample period, taxes imposed on oil and natural gas extraction accrued almost completely to the federal government. However, taxes on mining company profits and taxes on wages of the miners accrue overwhelmingly to the regional governments.
Of 25 studies of the determinants of fiscal decentralization listed in Table 1 in Letelier (2005), 12 use both expenditure and revenue based measures, while 13 use only expenditure decentralization measures. No study in the table is based exclusively on the revenue decentralization measure.
This dummy variable does not significantly affect the other estimates, but we view it as a potentially important exogenous determinant of fiscal decentralization.
Since 2005, about two thirds to almost 90% of the corporate income tax is assigned to regional budgets. Additionally, 70% of the personal income tax accrues to regional budgets, with the remainder going to municipal budgets. For a survey of Russia's fiscal federalism arrangements, see De Silva et al. (2009), Alexeev and Weber (2013), and Yushkov et al. (2017).
The degree of independence of these okrugs from their oblast differs. The two okrugs belonging to Tyumen’ oblast are virtually fully fiscally independent, while the okrug in Arkhangelsk oblast has a fairly limited degree of autonomy.
For example, one of the largest categories of subventions is unemployment compensation. This is in es sence a federal expenditure, but the regional offices located in municipalities actually administer the payments. These arrangements leave very little discretion for the lower government level in terms of how to spend these transfers.
Following W&O, the homogeneity index for ethnic Russians is (X – 0.5)2, where X represents the share of ethnic Russians in the region's overall population.
We exclude expenditures of government-owned enterprises to make the data comparable across states and between the US and Russia.
The Hausman test rejects random effects specification for expenditure regressions with p-values of slightly greater than 0.01 for the US and 0.05 for Russia.
See Roodman (2009) for a helpful description of the system-GMM estimation and specifically of Stata's user-written xtabond2 procedure that we employed.
We use the xsmle procedure in Stata to estimate the SDM. See LeSage and Pace (2009) for a detailed description of spatial lag estimation.
We obtain qualitatively similar results using the logarithm of the share of mining in GRP instead of the logarithm of per-capita mining output value.
Until 2003, regional budgets received 20% of oil and natural gas extraction tax. The regional share declined drastically in 2004–2005, becoming zero for natural gas in 2004 and for oil in 2010 (the regional share of the oil tax declined to 5% in 2005). The federal share of the extraction tax for other minerals increased from 25 in 2001 to 40% starting in 2002. Additionally, value-added tax revenues were centralized at the federal level in 2001.
We note, however, that F&P analyzed only BE regressions. In our between-effects specification, the coefficient of mining is actually positive, albeit statistically insignificant.
Ethnolinguistic diversity also appears to promote fiscal centralization in country-level regressions (see, for example, Arzaghi and Henderson, 2005). The explanation relates to the desire of the central government to prevent secessionist tendencies of ethnically different regions. This explanation does not seem to be relevant for the case of intraregional ethnic diversity.
F&P used the index of ethno-linguistic fractionalization (ELF) and obtained a negative relationship of this index with fiscal decentralization. We obtained similar results for ELF, but a somewhat stronger statistical relationship between the share of ethnic Russians and decentralization.
Some of Russia's regions have very large areas, but the populated parts of these large regions are typically very small, such as Krasnoyarsk province or Yakutia, for example.
General mobility in Russia is approximately 1.5–3% (1.9–4 million people per year of a population of somewhat more than 140 million, according to Rosstat, available at compared to about 11% in the US (calculated based on US Census Bureau data available at Interregional migration in Russia is also less than interstate migration in the US (less than 1% in most years in our sample vs. 1.5%). Although we do not have data for specific regions in Russia, we conjecture that interregional migration there would be considerably smaller if we exclude Moscow, Moscow province, and St. Petersburg, which we excluded from our sample.
The regression estimates that include Southern states are not reported, but are available upon request. Including a dummy variable for the Southern states in the BE regressions produces a statistically insignificant coefficient and does not qualitatively affect the other coefficient estimates. Including this dummy variable in the system-GMM regression either results in a failed Hansen J test of instrument validity or produces too many instruments, depending on the options we use in the regression.