Corresponding author: Valeriy Mironov ( ) © 2015 Non-profit partnership “Voprosy Ekonomiki”.
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Mironov V (2015) Russian devaluation in 2014–2015: Falling into the abyss or a window of opportunity? Russian Journal of Economics 1(3): 217-239.
Falling oil prices are leading to a reduction in domestic demand and lowering of the ruble exchange rate, thus enhancing the price competitiveness of Russian producers and stimulating the supply side of the economy (especially in foreign markets unaffected by the recession). Indeed, all of this create the possibility of offsetting the decline in domestic demand to a varying degree through increased net exports. However, the present study shows that, taking into account all of the structural problems of the Russian economy, the devaluation of the ruble may lead to a more severe recession than anticipated by most experts in their estimates, judging by average consensus forecasts (as of the end of September 2015).
devaluation, real exchange rate, Marshall-Lerner condition, resource curse, economic policy, Russia
The devaluation of the Russian ruble, which followed falling oil prices and the imposition of financial sanctions in 2014 and 2015,
The net impact on the economy, i.e., the balance between the negative impact of falling oil prices and the positive influence of improved competitiveness, is currently unclear. For example, although retail turnover fell by 8.2% y-o-y in January–August 2015, total investment contracted by 6%, and industrial production and GDP declined by 3.2% and 3.5%, respectively. Meanwhile, the decreasing real exchange rate of the ruble is creating nothing more than mere potential economic growth in the future. It would require considerable time and effort to revamp the business models and geographic and sectoral production configurations and to enter foreign markets with new products.
On the whole, according to the Bank of Russia, in January–August 2015 the real effective exchange rate of the ruble dropped by 18.6% y-o-y (
Real effective exchange rates of the ruble and BRICS currencies from 1998 through August 2015 (1997 = 100%).
Sources: Bank for International Settlements; author's calculations.
Unit labor costs (ULC) in currency terms for Russian manufacturing from 2005 through 2015 (the left-hand scale shows the y-o-y growth rate).
Sources: Rosstat; Bank of Russia; author's calculations.
The basic indicators of the Russian economy's competitive performance, i.e., the real exchange rate of the ruble and unit labor costs, returned to 2004–2005 levels (see
Proportion of wages to value of products shipped (%).
Sources: Rosstat; Bank of Russia; author's calculations.
In the absence of economic overheating in the majority of Russia's trading partner economies, the recent ruble devaluation can be viewed as a type of “foreign exchange war,” i.e., a method for spontaneously redistributing demand in favor of the devaluing country. It can also be considered a cure for the Dutch disease, which as many recent papers have proven exists in the Russian economy (see Dülger et al.,
Simultaneously, all of the events related to the exchange rate shock are occurring against the backdrop of the ongoing recession in Russia, which has its own specific characteristics. On the one hand, it was caused by the slowdown in economic growth that began in 2011, apparently resulting from structural imbalances. On the other hand however, unlike the crises in 1998 and 2008–2009, this is not a recession of inventories but, to a great extent, a recession of demand (
GDP trends (in increments compared to the respective quarter of the previous year, %) and contributions from components by type of demand (p.p.)
Sources: Rosstat; calculations by the Centre of Development Institute, National Research University Higher School of Economics.
There are reasons for these expectations. Attempts to use devaluation as a shortterm incentive for economic acceleration are indeed in line with the global experience. Indeed, according to said experience a short-term recovery relies on a very limited number of standard measures involving the positive impact on the psychology and expectations of economic agents, the elimination of government failures (with a “de-bureaucratization” of the economy),
Experts who expect the Russian economy to recover quickly also base their optimism on the fact that, unlike the 1998 and 2008–2009 crises, the recent devaluation of the ruble occurred in two stages (late 2014 and the summer of 2015), whereas the adverse consequences of a protracted devaluation tend to become somewhat milder due to gradual adaptation of the economy to the exchange rate shock.
A question arises as to how the currently unstable situation in the oil and foreign exchange market may affect the Russian economy. Will the decreasing real exchange rate for the ruble and decreasing unit labor costs offer production growth incentives which are sufficiently strong to offset shrinking demand and encourage a speedy recovery from the recession? How can we close the gap in the development of the tradable sectors (industry and agriculture) affected by the Dutch disease? Do they have the potential to increase their output quickly? What can be done to achieve this outcome? Is it achieved through a classical increase in net exports by growing non-commodity exports and import substitution? In addition and given the dependence of Russian exports on commodities that are not very price elastic, is overcoming the recession and the exchange rate shock going to be specific and protracted over time? What type of macroeconomic policy should be pursued in this case?
In our opinion, papers that have studied the effects of national currency devaluation on output and other macroeconomic indicators should be considered separately from the sources (which are far less numerous) devoted to analyzing the impact of an undervalued or balanced (after a period of overvaluation) exchange rate on economic growth.
Although devaluation is often considered to be an incentive for economic growth, for a long period of time the scientific literature has shown a more skeptical attitude of the authors towards it, more often attributing any positive effects to instances of devaluation in developed countries (see
In analyzing data from 43 countries during the period spanning 1953 to 1983,
In their paper,
In particular,
The restrictive effect of devaluations on developing countries may be the result of an increase in prices for the imported equipment due to a sharp decline in the national currency exchange rate. For example,
In a paper by
In the 21st century, researchers have maintained the intensity of their attention on analyzing the impact of devaluations on output while expanding the range of tools used. Authors often attempt to use modern econometric techniques to evaluate not only the shortand medium-term effects but also the long-term effects of devaluations on output. However, the results have been as controversial as those of previous findings. Studies identified neutral effects of nominal devaluations on output in less developed countries between 1970 and 1990, both short-term and long-term (
Another conclusion drawn from the analysis of papers written over the past several years is that the results are country-specific. In their work,
As the literature reveals, the stimulating effect of devaluations on the economy is heavily based on high export and import elasticities against exchange rate movements and on the devaluing country's macroeconomic policy, ensuring a stable real devaluation, i.e., having an anti-inflationary focus. The failure to meet these two conditions will cause devaluations to be restrictive on output in the best case and destructive in the worst case. Then, before the price-driven stimulating effect of a devaluation is exhausted, GDP will either barely recover to pre-crises levels (and crisis typically accompanies devaluation) or stay below them.
On the whole, empirical studies assessing the aftermath of exchange rate shocks and devaluations, based on data from 1969 to 2015, proved that they often have a restrictive effect on short-term economic growth. This effect may be caused, inter alia, by the fact that devaluation typically leads to a financial crisis, which is manifested through degraded credit ratings. Moreover, it increases uncertainty and undermines investment activity, particularly due to the nearly doubled probability that the heads of financial and economic authorities will be replaced during the first year following the devaluation, in addition to a likely abrupt shift in the political course of the country (see Cooper,
Meanwhile, as the analysis of the literature shows, theoretical arguments in favor of the adverse impacts of devaluation on economic growth are linked: first, to the effect from redistributing income from economic agents with a high propensity to consume to agents with a low propensity, thereby leading to a decline in aggregate demand and output (see, e.g.,
Fourth, in addition to the negative impacts on demand, devaluations may have an adverse effect on supply due to the appreciation of imported intermediate goods, increases in real interest rates, and increases in wages caused by the accelerating inflation.
One of the theoretical arguments in favor of the negative impacts of devaluations on output is the redistribution of income from employees to the owners of production factors, i.e., from labor to capital. Considering that employees typically have a higher propensity to consume than owners of capital goods, devaluation may result in reduced consumption and lower aggregate demand (Diaz-Alejandro,
An analysis of the current crisis and its comparison with the situation in 2008 and 2009 shows that the redistribution of income is not as clearly defined in 2015 as it was during the previous crisis because the ratio of wages to total output is not decreasing. From this perspective, the current crisis differs substantially from the 2008–2009 crisis. Then, the number of people employed in the industrial sector dropped by nearly 10% y-o-y, causing a reduction in the ratio of wages to total output. Today, however, the decrease has not exceeded 2%.
Thus, can we conclude that the employment reserves have been exhausted or that we have returned to the situation — normal for many countries — in which employee redundancies are the last to be made during a recession? In any case, as the falling exchange rate for the ruble significantly contributes to the reduction of unit labor costs in currency terms, enterprises still refrain from “internal devaluation,” i.e., engaging in mass redundancies and/or abruptly slow down the growth of wages in nominal terms relative to the growing shipments. Unlike 2009, when the ratio of wages to total products shipped by the industry evened out after many years of growth and even contracted substantially in the manufacturing sector for some time, today the ratio is still growing steadily, albeit slowly (see
A distinctive feature of the current situation in Russia is the noticeable growth in pre-tax profits in 2015, which appears paradoxical, given the stable ratio of wages to total output in the industrial sectors. Apparently, the revaluation of exporter accounts in currency terms may have had its effect, as may the decrease in prices for electricity and gas for industrial consumers by half in currency terms in 2015, which made them the cheapest in the world, at least among the major economies. According to Rosstat, pre-tax profits grew by 40% in nominal terms in the industrial sector in the January–July 2015 period compared to the same period last year, i.e., from RUB 4,170 billion to RUB 5,730 billion. As a result, according to our estimates, the profit margin on shipments (the ratio of pre-tax profit to goods shipped) increased to 13.3% during the first half of 2015 compared to 9.7% during the same period in 2014. Simultaneously, the potential for a scenario based on recovered growth in investments due to self-financing by enterprises seems to be suggested by the fact that, in early 2015, due to the devaluation, profit margins on shipments in the manufacturing industry approached the interest rate on bank loans (
Profit margin on shipments in industrial sectors and ruble lending rates for industrial borrowers (%).
Note: 2015 — 1st half of the year.
Sources: CEIC Data; Russian Economic Barometer (REB); author's calculations.
However, the increasing profits and sales margins notwithstanding, investment growth is not accelerating. On the contrary, our estimates show that, during the second quarter of 2015, falling investment rates by large and medium companies increased roughly fivefold y-o-y, from 2% in the first quarter of 2015 to nearly 11%. In agriculture and manufacturing, where there seems to be hope for import substitution, investments fell by more than 5% and 8%, respectively, y-o-y in real terms during the second quarter (following a positive increment in the first quarter).
Simultaneously, the propensity to invest, i.e., the ratio of nominal investments to pre-tax profit (see
Ratio of nominal investments in fixed capital to pre-tax profit over the period (%).
The deterioration of companies’ financial condition due to heavier debt payment burdens in foreign currencies is typical for post-devaluation periods and negatively affects output in the short run.
In the economic literature, the impact of devaluations on GDP growth (apart from the effects of income redistribution between labor and capital owners described in the previous section) is analyzed in terms of a number of other microand macroeconomic effects. Although the effect of devaluations at the micro level is viewed in the context of meeting the Marshall-Lerner condition, i.e., a certain ratio of export and import price elasticity (detailed below), at the macro level, it is considered to be based on meeting two other important economic policy principles. Indeed, in order to meet these principles, it is necessary to pay special attention to anti-inflationary measures and measures for improving the investment attractiveness of the economy.
By following these principles, inflation can be kept relatively low after a devaluation (compared to the dynamics of nominal foreign exchange rate) for long periods of time, making the real devaluation stable and effective, i.e., sufficient for the real sector to increase exports and substitute imports (
Given that meeting the latter condition poses a problem due to the financial sanctions, another condition is gaining in importance, according to which the increase in nominal output must exceed the increase in the so-called “absorption,” i.e., aggregate domestic spending (consumption by households, investments, and government spending). Indeed, this allows inflation to be kept stable and the trade balance to eventually improve. This result is possible if devaluation occurs when the output gap of the economy approaches zero, i.e., when production factors are fully loaded. If there is underutilized production capacity, then domestic output and absorption may grow at the same rate.
In our opinion, given the current state of the Russian economy, in terms of production capacity load, one must apply more stringent conditions, i.e., follow from the assumption of non-existent idle production factors. Indeed, although the data on production capacity utilization in the industrial sector suggest a cyclical decline, the data on workforce utilization do not support this hypothesis. In other words, on the one hand, according to our calculations, taking into account the selected data published by Rosstat regarding capacity utilization for 59 types of products in 2013, the weighted average level in the industry
Nominal output, domestic spending (absorption), and foreign trade balance, from January 2006 through July 2015 (in ruble terms, y-o-y growth rate, %).
Sources: CEIC Data; author's calculations.
Output and domestic demand in real terms from January 2008 through August 2015 (y-o-y growth rate, %).
Source: CEIC Data.
However, judging by the countries that have experienced monetary and financial crises, a tight macroeconomic policy is a necessary but insufficient condition in order to overcome the consequences of a crisis regarding output and remove the threat of degradation from recession to depression. To overcome the recession as quickly as possible, in addition to having a tight fiscal and budgetary policy and targeting aggregate spending (based on the principle of output not exceeding absorption), another important aspect is a relevant monetary policy.
On the one hand, due to high inflation (as measured by global standards) in the 2000s, which dramatically lowered the competitiveness of Russian products and predetermined devaluation, Russia's monetary authorities declared a transition from targeting the foreign exchange rate to targeting inflation and the free floating ruble rate regime to curb the distorting impact of the focused exchange-rate policy on inflation. On the other hand, in the resource-based Russian economy, many predict a near future reduction in the inflow of foreign currency, meaning that it could well approach zero relative to GDP (while the noticeable capital flight will remain). However, this notion is pregnant with increased volatility on the foreign exchange market, as demonstrated by the situation from the second half of 2013 to mid-2015. Indeed, macroeconomic volatility is viewed by many experts as the main negative manifestation of the resource curse for the real sector of resource-based economies, even under relatively stable conditions (see, in particular,
In our opinion, during a transition to inflation targeting within a resourcebased economy, it is also necessary to consider that targeting the consumer price index (CPI), including imported goods prices, will enhance the pro-cyclicality immanently inherent in an economy of such type. In this case, the Bank of Russia will be forced to pursue a tighter monetary policy, i.e., to raise the key rate, while companies in the real sector will especially be in need of a lower key rate, given that it is highly likely that the economy will be in recession at that moment. The problem is that accelerating inflation and, consequently, an increase in the key rate by the Bank of Russia can be expected in the event of an abrupt worsening of trade conditions, i.e., lower global oil prices. Following oil prices, the ruble exchange rate will also drop, with a rise in imported goods prices, whose share in the consumer basket is high due to the Dutch disease of the Russian economy. Consequently, consumer inflation will increase, followed by interest rates. Thus, the real sector will be hit by a double negative effect from falling oil revenues and from the monetary restrictions introduced by monetary authorities to target consumer inflation (
Industry and monetary policy indicators from January 2006 through August 2015.
Note. The refinancing rate line on the graph beginning September 2013 is represented by the key rate of the Bank of Russia.
Sources: Rosstat; Bank of Russia; author's calculations.
The economic literature states that, for resource-based economies, there is no universal foreign exchange regime or monetary policy approach that will fit all countries (
So, what can be done to overcome this situation? First, we can consider replacing CPI targeting with the quantitative regulation of another price aggregate, not including the price component of imported goods. Such an aggregate may be represented, for example, by the producer price index (PPI); however, this index would require Rosstat to restructure its activities because, unlike the CPI, it is calculated monthly rather than weekly, which will strongly reduce the promptness and efficiency of monetary policy measures.
Second, the Bank of Russia could continue targeting the CPI, and mandatory budgetary interventions may be used to eliminate the pro-cyclicality factor. This would require the automatically linking of the key rate increase and the inclusion of some automatic economic stabilizers based on, for example, reducing rates for the most important taxes or increasing government procurement. Here, we could build on the experience of South Africa, where in the first half of the 2000s, the monetary policy targeted the improvement of confidence among economic agents by emphasizing targets of decreasing and stabilizing inflation, while the task of stabilizing output was assigned to the ministry of finance (
Moreover, and as noted in the literature, inflation targeting is a process of maintaining a stable low level of inflation that has already been reduced, whereas reducing inflation (disinflation) is a completely different process that requires other methods. Low inflation is often regarded as a prerequisite for inflation targeting due to the “complexity of forecasting inflation and achieving inflation targets under conditions of high inflation volatility” (
In developing countries, authorities very often exhibit so-called “devaluation pessimism” when, fearing the adverse impacts of a national currency devaluation on the economic situation, they try different means to prevent an exchange rate from collapsing, thus postponing an inevitable wreck. The reasons for this pessimism are not only the usual political and economic consequences of the exchange rate shock but also the weak response of exports and imports to changes in relative prices, i.e., their low price elasticity. In the standard case (under stable foreign trade conditions), devaluation is considered effective, i.e., it improves the trade balance if, under a zero trade balance, the export and import price elasticities are more than one in absolute terms (the Marshall-Lerner condition). Therefore, the devaluation pessimism of authorities is also called “elasticity pessimism.”
In Russia's case, the effect of devaluation on the trade balance in ruble terms is defined, in addition to the exchange rate, by trading conditions (by oil prices), which have become twice as bad. However, although, in the first half of 2015, Russia's commodity exports decreased by almost 30% and imports by approximately 40% in currency terms, the nominal net exports in ruble terms, taking into account the devaluation factor, increased by at least 40% (the average RUB-USD rate changed from 34.7 to 57 rubles per US dollar over the same period), which, undoubtedly, should encourage GDP growth. Nevertheless, this factor alone does not provide a way out of the recession in the near future because the share of net exports in the GDP is not large (below 10%), and the deflator is high (due to the significant appreciation of imported goods).
In quantitative terms, the extent of impact from growing exports and imports on GDP following a devaluation is known to be defined, on one hand, by their price elasticity and, on the other hand, by the presence of the so-called J-curve, i.e., a lag in the growth in exports due to the need for producers to adapt to new conditions and new markets. To calculate Russia's export and import price elasticities, we used quarterly data provided by the OECD on national accounts with seasonal factors removed for the period from 1995 to 2014, in addition to data provided by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) regarding trends in the nominal and real effective exchange rates of the national currency (
Real effective exchange rate of the Russian ruble, physical imports and exports, 1996Q1 — 2015Q2 (on a quarterly basis, y-o-y, %).
Sources: CEIC Data; BIS; author's calculations.
Although the calculations showed that the Marshall-Lerner condition was not met, given the trends in the physical volumes of exports and imports (the sum of the price elasticities is less than 1.0 and equals 0.6 in absolute value), there should be no elasticity pessimism in Russia. Indeed, this is because, under conditions of a positive foreign trade balance before the devaluation, the influence of net exports on GDP growth will also be positive after this; moreover, in the event of a decreasing real effective exchange rate by an annual average of 20% in 2015, it can be estimated at roughly 3.5 p.p. of GDP in annual terms. The implication is that the changes in 2015 rate account for approximately half of the actual positive contribution of net exports to GDP (approximately 7 p.p. in the first half of 2015, according to our estimates).
Simultaneously, during the first half of 2015, exports in physical volumes increased by approximately 3% y-o-y, which, although pointing to a very prompt response by exports to the devaluation, is considerably lower than the increase observed in Russia after the devaluations in 1998 and 2008–2009.
The considerable excess of bank loan rates over profit margins for both shipments
Our calculations based on Rosstat data show that the devaluation is having a positive impact on export margins in currency terms across most segments of the manufacturing industry (
Profit margins on sales before (January–September 2014) and after the devaluation in industrial sectors recorded by Rosstat in Form 5-z (%).
Sources: Rosstat; author's calculations.
From the perspective of the needs of the real sector of the economy, the level of the ruble's foreign exchange rate as of September 2015 may be classed as “equilibrium” because it ensures positive profit margins for exports in an absolute majority of manufacturing segments and decreases the need for selective government support. In three sectors, the proportion of imports is over 50% of the costs, and the profit margin of exports is negative even under the two-time ruble devaluation: these include producers of devices for receiving, recording and reproducing sounds and images, producers of pesticides and other agrochemical products, and producers of machinery and equipment for agriculture and forestry. However, one should not forget that, even with this type of growth in export profit margins and a small number of those negatively affected by the appreciation of imported raw materials and components, the real positive effect of the devaluation on output is not significant, given that the share of manufactured goods in overall Russian exports is low (approximately 10%) and increasing it will require investments and time.
Speaking of the positive impact of devaluations on import substitution, one should bear in mind that the exchange rate shock is accompanied by increased inflation and lower purchasing power for households and enterprises, which partly offsets the positive result of the growing price competitiveness of Russian producers in the domestic market. The strong devaluation incentive notwithstanding, only four major industrial sectors increased their output in January–August 2015 compared with the same period last year. Regarding minor segments, accelerated growth rates (over 3% y-o-y) were calculated for 14 segments. In 8 of them (out of approximately 100 identified at this classification level) Russian producers competed with imports, whereas the rest were oriented towards exports. This finding suggests that the growth rate in manufacturing exports and import substitution remains somewhat low. It is important to sustain the positive contribution of net exports, whose upward momentum typically disappears after devaluation in Russia (see
The clearly visible slowdown in the Russian economy, even with a stable global oil prices from 2011 to 2013, may have been caused by structural problems. This type of slowdown, according to the facts described above, could have been a type of leading indicator, predicting, with a 1–2 year lag, the devaluation of the national currency and the ensuing additional slowdown in economic growth rates by approximately 2 p.p. against the pre-devaluation level. Thus, the slowdown of Russia's GDP in 2013, when the growth rate decreased to 1.3% compared to 3.4% and 4.3% in the previous two years, could have been a type of leading indicator of devaluation, which, in a certain form, would have occurred regardless of the falling oil prices and financial and other sanctions. In principle, there could have been no recession in Russia in the event of stable oil prices because the drop in GDP during the devaluation year is half as probable as its growth in general (
In our opinion, given lower oil prices, the rates of Russia's GDP growth can hardly recover without accelerating the manufacturing industry because the services sector, which was the main contributor to growth in the Russian economy in the 2000s, has lost its “feed” from oil-and-gas business rent for a long time to come (if not forever) and thus will find it hard to remain an independent factor in economic growth (
Dynamics of output in the sectors of the Russian economy from 2001 to the first half of 2015.
Sources: Rosstat; author's calculations.
However, restoring the competitive strength of the manufacturing industry is far from simple. Although the latter developed rapidly during the first half of the 2000s after a failure in the 1990s, it began to show clear signs of slowing down after the 2008–2009 crisis. The 2015 data provide new evidence of deindustrialization. Whereas the entire industrial production declined by 3.2% y-o-y in January–August 2015 and the extracting industry and power sector preserved almost all of their output (growth rates of 0.1% and –0.3%, respectively), production decreased by 4.5% in the manufacturing industry.
It is sometimes said that the resource curse and accelerated deindustrialization, i.e., the Dutch disease, actually mean a transition of the economy from one equilibrium to another (
As shown long before the current crisis, based on a calculation of the longterm co-integration ratio for the Russian economy, a 1% increase in oil prices leads to 0.175 p.p. increase in Russia's GDP (
This estimate qualitatively corresponds to our calculations based on the midterm econometric model of the Russian economy, which, in forecasts as late as September 2015, predict a continued recession in 2016 and 2017 (although with the GDP falling at lower rates than in 2015).
To increase exports and promote import substitution, even with the most favorable price ratios resulting from the devaluation, the industry requires additional labor resources, new production capacities, and infrastructure. They will hardly be available due to the labor market rigidity, low intensity of the investment process before the crisis, and imperfect “rules of the game” in the Russian economy. Without resolving these issues, we cannot build an economic system that would be more resilient and less exposed to price and exchange rate shocks.
The article uses a review of the literature regarding the effect of devaluations on output and other macro indicators in order to identify four conditions that determine the restrictive impact of devaluation in terms of GDP dynamics. Three of these are associated with the impact of the devaluation on aggregate demand and the fourth one — with its effect on aggregate supply. The first three include: the redistribution of income from economic agents with a high propensity to consume to agents with a low propensity (from owners of labor to owners of capital goods); the effect of outstripping inflation, where a nominal devaluation may lead to a decline in aggregate demand due to uncontrolled price growth; and the effect of low export and import price elasticities, where the balance of trade expressed in the national currency may decline due to devaluation, leading to recession. The fourth condition is that devaluation may have an adverse effect on supply due to the appreciation of imported intermediate goods and to higher domestic interest rates and wages caused by accelerating inflation.
This article shows that although only two of the four conditions of restrictive effects from devaluation are present in one form or another in the Russian economy (the redistribution of income from labor to capital and the low export and import price elasticities), devaluation may still lead to recession, at least in 2015 and 2016. The reasons for this are the low propensity of economic agents that own capital goods to invest and structural problems in the economy, which are possibly indicated by the devaluation of the Russian ruble in 2014 and 2015. The oft-quoted case (see, e.g.,
The literature review and calculations were performed with the help of Vadim Kanofiev (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA) and Alexey Nemchik (Centre of Development Institute, National Research University Higher School of Economics).
Hereinafter, we interpret the term “devaluation” both as a devaluation per se, caused by a sharp decline in the nominal exchange rate of a national currency during the transition from a fixed to a floating exchange rate, and as a depreciation due to its falling nominal exchange rate under conditions of the free floating regime.
During the previous crises in Russia, nearly 3/4 of the total GDP decline was caused by the selling off of surplus inventories accumulated earlier rather than by lower demand per se. For example, according to Rosstat survey data processed by the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge, National Research University Higher School of Economics, the majority of respondents believed finished product inventories to be excessive in early 2009. According to the same surveys, the current situation is exactly the opposite, which — all other conditions being equal — suggests a potentially less severe recession now than during the previous two crises. However, there is a reverse side: the potential lack of a negative “inventory accelerator” may prevent Russia's traditionally high post-crisis recovery rate (a V-like recession).
Read more on this matter in, e.g., Rodrik, 2005.
A paper by Bussière et al. (2012), which sums up the experience from devaluations in more than 100 countries between 1960 and 2006, demonstrated that output losses from pre-devaluation slowdowns in the form of trend deviations account for 5% to 7% of GDP in the medium term in the event of a one-time devaluation and approximately 6.3% in the event of a two-stage devaluation of a national currency.<Normal>
According to some studies involving a large sample of countries, a reduction in the overvalued exchange rate of the national currency (not necessarily shock-like) to below the equilibrium level in developing countries eventually leads to accelerated economic growth. However, this occurs less because of fast-growing exports and rapidly declining imports, as one might expect based on an analogy with devaluations and exchange rate shocks, but more because of an increase in savings and deposits in the national banking system and investments, together with decreasing unemployment (see Gluzmann et al., 2012; Levy-Yeyati and Sturzenegger, 2007). Meanwhile, the authors emphasized the importance of not allowing the country's domestic problems (poor investment climate, political instability, etc.) to drive the increased savings out over the border in the form of capital flight and acquisitions of foreign assets, as occurred in Argentina during the mid-1960s, for example.
This type of indicator used to be applied by Rodrik (2008).
India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, and the Philippines.
Apparently, this phenomenon was first noted by Gylfason and Risager (1984).
The calculation was based on the share of production for each of the 59 separate types of goods in the added value of total industry.
Simultaneously, according to Rosstat's data for 2013, out of the 59 types of products, the utilization of production capacity was below 85% (which can be considered as the full load) for 55 of them, whereas for 22, it was even below 50%. However, according to our estimates, the overall share of all 59 types of products for which data are available is only approximately 27% of the aggregate added value in the industry, whereas the proportion of products for which the utilization is below 85% does not exceed 15%. Thus, the assertion regarding low capacity utilization in the industrial sector can only be considered a hypothesis requiring further verification.
Testing the data in absolute levels demonstrated their non-stationary nature and, simultaneously, their lack of co-integration.
It was noted in the World Economic Outlook (IMF, 2015) that in 1998, Russia experienced a pronounced positive response in real exports to the ruble exchange rate depreciation, which is not typical for a strong devaluation accompanied by a banking crisis. In the standard case, exports hardly grow under such conditions.
An analysis of the Federal Customs Service data shows that during the first half of 2015, physical exports increased for 20 products y-o-y. Simultaneously, 5 products demonstrated growth in both physical and value terms, with most being raw materials goods: refined copper, raw aluminum, potassium-based fertilizers. In addition, we can also name coke and electricity.
Our calculations based on Rosstat data show that profit margins of shipments were 8.6% across the industrial sector, nearly 24.8% in mining and minerals, 3.1% in manufacturing, and 3.7% in the production and distribution of electricity, gas and water in 2014.
In 2014, profit margins on assets were 2.3% in Russia's manufacturing industry (against 4.9% in 2013), 14.6% (12.7%) in mining and minerals, and 1.4% (1.3%) in the production and distribution of electricity, gas and water (based on Rosstat data).
In particular, this finding is based on the Granger causality test that we ran.
For example, according to the Bank for International Settlements, in 2015, the nominal effective exchange rate of the Russian ruble fell by 39.4% and the real effective exchange rate by 29.4% against June 2014, whereas the same indicators in Australia, Norway and Mexico were –13.7%, –16.5% and –16%; and –11.7%, –11.8% and –14.1%, respectively.
See the mid-term forecast for the Russian economy development by the Centre of Development Institute, National Research University Higher School of Economics.