Ngalim Elizabeth Yongyeh, Lu Ming Yu, Naumi Kassim Mohammed (2023)
The Competition Laws of China and Cameroon: A Comparative Analysis of their Legislative Systems.
Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa56: .
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Anselm Küsters (2023)
Ordoliberalism goes China? A comparison of recent developments in EU and chinese competition law considering the digital economy.
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DOI: 10.1007/s10602-023-09407-y
Shuping Lyu, Caroline Buts, Marc Jegers (2022)
Economic Analysis Methodologies Applied in Merger Investigations in the EU and China: Comparative Case Studies.
Asian Journal of Law and Economics13: 37.
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Mohamad Zreik (2023)
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Mohamad Zreik (2024)
Harmonizing Global Efforts in Meeting Sustainable Development Goals.
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