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1. Introduction
2. Definitions and theoretical models
3. Historical overview
3.1. Collapse of the Soviet ruble (1989–1993)
3.2. Monetary instability in the FSU (1992–1995)
3.3. Russian and CIS financial crisis of 1998–1999
3.4. Fallout from the global financial crisis (2008–2009)
4. Dynamics of the 2014–2016 crisis
4.1. Russia
4.2. Ukraine
4.3. Other FSU countries
4.4. Shortcomings in crisis management
4.4.1. Foreign exchange interventions
4.4.2. Interest rate increases
4.4.3. Changes in monetary regimes and transparency problems
4.4.4. Foreign exchange controls
5. Role of global and regional factors
5.1. US monetary policy
5.2. Decline in oil and commodity prices
5.3. Consequences of Ukrainian conflict
6. Deep roots of the FSU currency crises
6.1. Ghosts of the past: Limited credibility of FSU currencies
6.2. Poor business climate and capital flight
7. Conclusions and policy lessons
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