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1. Introduction
1.1. Productive reception
1.2. From the Austro-Hungarian Empire to Vienna and the world
1.3. Plan of the following presentation
2. Menger in France
2.1. Menger and French academies
2.2. Menger in the French language
2.3. French readers of Menger’s works
2.4. One detailed instance in Menger’s first reception: Charles Rist
3. The Austrian School of Economics in France after Menger to the present day
3.1. The Interwar period: the “big sleep” of liberal thinking in France
3.2. From Postwar to Cold War and on: Liberalism & Atlantism
3.3. “Austrian” influence in Western Europe and in France: from Mitteleuropa to Midwest
3.4. Present developments — including, at last, Menger’s original masterworks in French
4. Conclusion
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